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Envisioning the Data Science Discipline (Undergraduate Perspective) National Academies Study interim report and request for feedback

  • 1.  Envisioning the Data Science Discipline (Undergraduate Perspective) National Academies Study interim report and request for feedback

    Posted 10-03-2017 11:21
    I thought that the following announcements from the Envisioning the Data Science Discipline (Undergraduate Perspective) National Academies Study might be of interest.

    (1) The interim report is now available for (free) download at

    (2) The (free) webinar series continues today (and five more Tuesdays). Signups can be found at

    (3) The committee welcomes suggestions and comments on any or all of these materials (and undergraduate data science more generally). Please submit your thoughts to

    Nicholas Horton
    Amherst College
    Amherst, MA United States