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Medical Training with Personalized Virtual Reality – New Episode on Pod of Asclepius

  • 1.  Medical Training with Personalized Virtual Reality – New Episode on Pod of Asclepius

    Posted 05-26-2020 22:06

    Mike McArdle (Lucid Dream VR) discuses the wide array of data modalities required for virtual reality (VR) and how user-specific inference is beneficial for training in medical scenarios. Mike brings up two examples: one for providing dense training experiences for rare adverse clinical events. The second is to simulate clinical comorbidities of rare disease to provide clinicians with another tool to understand their patient.


    Why should data scientists and statisticians watch this episode?

    • Personalized medicine is a popular topic right now…Mike's work also uses personalized data and personalized inference but in this case for clinicians.
    • This work has important implications for clinical treatments, e.g., by clarifying to clinicians how a disease burden might impede a patient's adherence.
    • Mike doubles down on his explanation of how medical VR requires significant tailoring to create clinical value. It isn't enough to create something flashy or immersive like entertainment VR.

    Watch it on…




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    Pod of Asclepius is sponsored by the ASA's Statistical Learning and Data Science Section, Medical Device and Diagnostics Section, and North Carolina Chapter.



    Glen Wright Colopy
    DPhil Oxon
    Data Scientist at Cenduit LLC, Durham, NC