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  • 1.  MaxEnt 2017

    Posted 02-22-2017 07:01
    Dear Colleagues,

    We are pleased to announce that the 37th International Workshop on
    Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and
    Engineering (MaxEnt 2017) will be held in the city of São Carlos, São
    Paulo State, Brazil from 9 to 14 July, 2017.

    Important dates
    Abstract submission closes: April 28
    Notification of acceptance: May 19
    Early registration closes: June 2
    Proceedings paper deadline: June 30

    In the last 36 years, the MaxEnt workshops have explored the use of
    Bayesian and Maximum Entropy methods in scientific and engineering
    applications. The workshop is open to contributions on all aspects of
    probabilistic inference, including novel techniques and applications,
    and work that sheds new light on the logical and foundational aspects
    of the statistical inference. The areas of application have included
    astronomy and astrophysics, chemistry and biochemistry, communication
    and information theories, cosmology, climate studies, earth science,
    fluid mechanics, genetics, geophysics, machine learning, material
    science, medical imaging, nanoscience, source separation,
    thermodynamics (equilibrium and non-equilibrium), particle physics,
    plasma physics, quantum mechanics, robotics and social sciences.
    Bayesian computational techniques such as Markov chain Monte Carlo
    sampling have been regular topics, as are approximate inferential
    methods. Foundational issues involving probability theory and
    information theory, and the novel application of inference to
    illuminate the foundations of physical theories, have also been of
    keen interest.

    The workshop will include a four tutorials, invited papers,
    contributed papers and poster presentations. Contributed papers
    related to the above topics are being solicited. We encourage the
    submission of articles that present new concepts and methods and even
    new ways of solving applied problems of alternative scientific areas.

    MaxEnt has provided a good environment for discussions of high-level
    scientific problems. The involvement of all participants in these
    discussions is most welcome. MaxEnt's scientific atmosphere has been
    incredibly healthy and exciting. Scientific collaborations between
    participants of different nationalities came naturally from our
    meetings. The social atmosphere of the meeting has been superb. We
    have some social events for everyone to enjoy the city, meet other
    people, providing new ideas and a scientific network while maintaining
    the best of a research environment.

    One-page abstracts of the proposed talks, posters and papers to the
    proceedings should be submitted via the website (more information in
    the site soon). Papers will be sent to a peer-review process and the
    selected ones will be edited and published in the proceedings book (by
    Springer). In addition, a special edition of the Entropy Journal is
    being planned for the publication of extended articles that were
    presented at the meeting. These papers will be subjected to the
    journal's policy and usual peer review process.

    Kindly forward this announcement to other interested parties.

    On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we look forward to welcoming
    you in São Carlos in July!

    Adriano Polpo