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sharing statistics across arab countries and africa

  • 1.  sharing statistics across arab countries and africa

    Posted 11-25-2017 02:37
    Building Statistical capacity with the Library of alexandria

    We hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving and statistical black friday.

    THe 12,000 statistical books are in Egypt. We are now develop systems for distribution across Arab countries, and Africa as suggested by Janet McDougall from Canada.  There are two primary ways we are considering.  The first is to build a bank of ebooks on research design and statistics.  If you know of good ebooks written by you or others, please let us know.

    As part of this we are asking if you  might allow us to scan some of the books you wrote to see if we can build a larger core of electronic books.  We want to try this out with ~10 books. Please let us know if you would would like the books you have written to help budding young statistical experts in Arab and African countries. This would be under Creative Commons laws.

    We are also seeing if we can build an interlibrary loan system for research methods books in Africa.  Unlike Europe,, RUssia and the US there is no effective pan-african interlibrary loan.  We think this can be built for virtually no cost by having having a research in Mali, to send an email asking for a chapter of a book on ANOVA, and then having that chapter emailed back. This is an inexpensive means to provide free statistical help.  As this evolves we hope to have statisticians such as you to provide guidance, and we can also help the excellent statistics without boarders with books and a help desk.

    I am about to go out and capture and tag the turkeys in my back yard to estimate how many there. I am not really sure how to tag the Turkey in our oven as sadly, soon, it will be gone.


    Ronald LaPorte, Ph.D.
    Professor Emeritus Epidemiology
    University of Pittsburgh
    724 934 9023