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  • 1.  Supreme Court amicus curiae briefs on measurement

    Posted 02-11-2015 13:23

    Below are links to two Supreme Court amicus curiae briefs recently filed in the case of Texas Department of Housing and Community Development, et al. v.  The Inclusive Communities Project, Inc.  Together the briefs raise issues about both the measurement of demographic differences and the quality and integrity of legal and scientific discourse that should be of interest to ASA members.  The case, which involves the issue of whether disparate impact claims are cognizable under the Fair Housing Act, is considered quite important in many circles.


    The first amicus curiae brief is one I filed on November 17, 2014, addressing certain measurement issues that I had to some extent addressed previously in a Fall 1994 Chance article titled "Divining Difference," a Spring 2006 Chance guest editorial titled "Can We Actually Measure Health Disparities?," and a December 2012 Amstat News Statistician's View column titled "Misunderstanding of Statistics Leads to Misguided Law Enforcement Policies," as well as a July/Aug. 2014 Society article titled "Race and Mortality Revisited" (each of which may be easily found online).   As reflected in the articles, the measurement issues addressed in the brief pertain to a wide range of subjects beyond the matter specifically before the Supreme Court.


    The second amicus curiae brief is one filed by Yale Law Professor Ian Ayres on December 23, 2014.  The Ayres brief purports to respond to my brief and to correct misunderstandings and misapprehensions contained in it.  In addition to being a lawyer, Ayres has a Ph.D. in economics from MIT and has published extensively on a range of statistical issues.   He occasionally blogs on the Freakonomics Blog


    A third item below is my January 13, 2015 letter to Ayres' counsel requesting that she withdraw the Ayres brief because it is materially misleading and advising that I would seek to have her sanctioned by the Supreme Court Bar.  I will shortly be submitting my complaint to the Supreme Court Bar.  Any views members may have as to why the Ayres brief is or is not misleading would be appreciated.


    1. Scanlan brief:


    2. Ayres brief:


    3.  Letter to Ayres counsel:


    James Scanlan
    James P. Scanlan Attorney At Law

  • 2.  RE: Supreme Court amicus curiae briefs on measurement

    Posted 02-12-2015 12:47

    Dear Mr. Scanlon,

    I have looked at the two briefs by you and Ayers.

    Ayers is correct when he claims that multivariate
    regression analysis (of one form or another) is
    preferred to descriptive statistics when discriminating
    between conflicting empirical and substantive (such
    as economic and legal) claims.

    However, Ayers is incorrect is in his assertion that
    "statistical significance" is the ultimate test and
    arbiter of "validity".

    In Matrixx Initiatives vs Siracusano et al (March 2011)
    the Supreme Court of the United States decided 9-0
    against claims of the Ayers kind.  Statistical significance,
    the Court said, is neither necessary nor sufficient for
    determining materiality. 

    The Court asks for "something more" about the "source,
    content, and context" of evidence.

    In Nov. 2010 I submitted a brief of amici curiae (with Deirdre N.
    McCloskey) explaining to the Court the main problems
    with a bright line rule of "significance" at any level, including
    the 99, 95, or 90 percent levels invoked by Ayers. 

    The brief can be found here:

    You might also take a look at Ziliak's and McCloskey's book, The
    Cult of Statistical Significance (2008).

    Stephen Ziliak
    Professor of Economics
    Roosevelt University

  • 3.  RE: Supreme Court amicus curiae briefs on measurement

    Posted 02-12-2015 13:44
    What fun -- an opportunity to kibitz on an argument between lawyers!

    (1)  Scanlan's brief is fairly opaque, but seems to be arguing that absolute change in percent difference in rates is a poor way to quantify change in outcome rates between groups.  This is probably true, but is a strange thing to do in the first place (though it may be what some agencies do), since it appears to be mixing additive and multiplicative models for rates. 
         The brief has some strange notions, such as equating "strength of association" and "strength of the forces causing different outcome rates", which tempt the reader into dismissing the whole thing.

    (2)  Ayres' brief is shorter and more clearly written.  He argues that Scanlan's brief ignores modeling, and in particular ignores logistic regression, which he claims is the standard analysis in the area, so Scanlan's brief is irrelevant.  This sounds reasonable, but then he tosses in a paragraph about t-tests which is embarrassingly wrong, which leads the reader to question his understanding of what he's talking about, too.

    (3)  Scanlan's threat to get Ayres in trouble with the Supreme Court for insulting him strikes me as poor sportsmanship.

    Peter Wollan
    Olmsted Medical Center

  • 4.  RE: Supreme Court amicus curiae briefs on measurement

    Posted 02-12-2015 16:13
    In terms of the statistical ideas presented, both the Scanlan and Ayres briefs have their merits.  

    My experience is in a possibly related area, employment discrimination. The Equal Opportunity Employment Commission has put forward a rule  "Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures" published at §29 CFR Sec 1607.4.D --- the so-called 4/5ths rule --- that is explained in terms of favorable outcomes, e.g. whether a person is hired for a job.  I have seen cases where unfavorable outcomes have been used with the 4/5ths rule, e.g. layoffs or teachers being transferred from a desirable school to a less desirable school.  As Scanlan explains, the use of favorable outcomes instead of unfavorable outcomes can lead to different conclusions per the EEOC criteria even when applied to exactly the same data.  In my view, there are times when it's appropriate to consider favorable outcomes and times when it's appropriate to consider unfavorable outcomes and I've seen cases turn on which way to go.  (The EEOC rule gives no guidance.)  So, Scanlan is right to point out the situation as relevant. 

    Ayres's brief is also right. It points to the difference between adverse impact and adverse treatment, and in advocating regression to deal with covariates. Ayre's brief starts:

    "James P. Scanlan has submitted an amicus brief claiming that `standard statistical analyses of discrimination are unsound.' He is wrong, and his contention is not consistent with well-accepted science." 

    Ayres is right about this, so long as "standard statistical analyses" means the kind of thing that informed statistical professionals would do.  However, if "standard" means the kind of thing that is often done, as in the EEOC rule, then indeed the analyses are reasonably judged unsound.  This is not just as regards favorable/unfavorable outcomes and ignoring the idea of an odds ratio.  For instance, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs audits firms using a process that is almost guaranteed to find discrimination simply by the mechanism of multiple comparisons.

    As Scanlan points out, the Ayres brief does not thoroughly address many of the specific concerns that Scanlan wants to focus on.  This is typical in legal processes. Each side, knowingly or unknowingly, frames the issues in terms that are favorable to itself.  Each side makes points and challenges the other side on points whose relevance might be disputed by outside parties. ("If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!")  

    In my view, neither brief is "materially misleading." 


    Daniel Kaplan
    DeWitt Wallace Professor of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science
    Macalester College

  • 5.  RE: Supreme Court amicus curiae briefs on measurement

    Posted 02-13-2015 11:13
    I have often said in a business context significance is irrelevant. Commonly, the sample sizes are so large that just about anything is significant. What is important is the difference in context.Yes, a difference can be statistically significant, but is it significant enough to make a difference. And that takes some common sense and subject expertise.

    Michael Mout

  • 6.  RE: Supreme Court amicus curiae briefs on measurement

    Posted 02-16-2015 10:38

    For large n, you can use confidence intervals (or Neyman-Pearson if you must perform hypothesis testing).  As you say, you will need subject matter expertise to pick your deltas. 

    Statistics Deniers have confused statistically significant with statistically significant from zero. 

    Randy Bartlett

  • 7.  RE: Supreme Court amicus curiae briefs on measurement

    Posted 02-21-2015 02:00

    Thank you for the opportunity to contribute in some regard to this important discussion. 

    Whatever the ultimate merits of the case, I certainly disagree with Ayres' implication that methods not his own are undeserving of a hearing.  (And I'd contest his definition of a p-value.)

    What Ayres seems not to recognize or accept is the suggestion in your brief that underlying the distribution patterns you present for certain sorts of data, there might some mathematical principle or pattern at play, which runs counter to our intuitions of what is expected--namely, having the consequence that improving a group's relative success rates may appear to degrade that group's relative failure rates.

    If this is indeed the type of claim you are making, then Ayres' argument for your needing more, extraneous empirical variables to consider, is somewhat off the mark.  His better argument would have been to ask you to explain more clearly, and to defend, what exactly is this a priori (if you will) aspect of the data that brings on such effects.

    As you can see by the hour, I got quite curious to find such an underlying explanation if there is one; and for this aim, I developed and ran some simulations.

    I do think I have found something (see case 2, below); but if it's indeed applicable here, then I think your paper may be partly misstating, what the phenomenon is.

    Case 1:  Suppose you take large samples from two groups, and whether any member succeeds or fails is a binary variable; and suppose further there is (or starts out) a systematic difference in the success rates of the two groups.  
       If you resample thousands of times from such groups, and compare their success and fail ratios as you discuss, the outcome is actually more what one would expect:  A strong and highly significant positive correlation between an Advantaged group's relative success ratio (Advantaged over Disadvantaged) and the other group's relative failure ratio (D over A).  (So in this scenario, if the advantaged group's relative success ratio drops, then expect the disadvantaged group's relative failure ratio to drop as well... which is what the conventional expectation is).
       I found this finding robust over variations in: the expected success rates, and the group data distribution shapes (uniform or normal with different variances); and the expected systemic difference in the group's rates, or even if those rates vary.

    Case 2:  Where your examples differ is that success or failure is not exactly treated as binary.  It's more like each data column (for the A and D groups, respectively) contain continuous values, and you are successively varying the cutoff values which define "success"--all with respect to the same data columns.  If outputs are compared as if this were Case 1, the cutoffs become a confounder.

    ...But that's not necessarily bad news for your case:  There is a reasonably strong, and definitely significant negative correlation between the cutoff value used and the disadvantaged group's relative failure ratio (D over A). despite possible virtues of simply lowering the cutoff for success, which may seem to relatively improve success rates, the cutoff-lowering itself will apparently increase the disadvantaged group's D/A percent fail ratio. 

    On reflection, this pattern appears to hold somewhat 'a priori', after all, so as I mentioned above it is not a matter of needing extra data:  The curve for (Percent fail D/A) versus (cutoff value) slopes asymptotically towards a ratio value of 1.00.   ....This makes sense:  If the "cutoff" were set to the highest possible value, then both groups would always fail (equally), so their comparative ratio would be 1.0    The lower the cutoff the more chance for the group with any residual systemic advantage to pull ahead. 

    I realize this point differs from your paper, but you might find it helps your case.  If the above finding is valid, it would certainly be unfair if an organization is encouraged to lower its cutoff rates, and then punished if indeed the higher D/A failure rate is a predictable artifact of that same policy.

    Hope this helps.


    William Goodman
    University of Ontario Institute of Technology