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  • 1.  Mentor/mentee matching email

    Posted 09-18-2013 12:44
    Dear Mentor,

    Congratulations! You have been matched with Mentee (mentee@gmail.com). The initial meeting should be scheduled by mentors, so please email your mentee this week to schedule an initial meeting.

    For this pilot mentoring program, the ASA Committee on Applied Statisticians (CAS) has produced a welcome packet, temporarily available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3ruzv5f3ruzwdpw/2013%20CAS%20Mentorship%20Program%20Welcome%20Materials.docx and permanently (in the future) available here: http://community.amstat.org/cas/mentoring1

    Please review this welcome packet as it contains some great information about the roles of mentors and mentees, the typical four-stage process of a mentoring relationship (establishing rapport, identifying directions, making progress, and moving on), and the typical frequency of meetings (about once per month).

    CAS wants to learn from your experiences in this pilot program, so we will ask you to fill out a mid-program survey in December/January and then an end-of-program survey in spring 2014.

    If you are attending JSM, be sure to attend the CAS social mixer for applied statisticians  on Tuesday, Aug 6 in CC-523a. There will be great conversation, some snacks, and door prizes!

    Eric Vance and Jennifer Gauvin (on behalf of the entire CAS Mentoring Initiative Taskforce)

    Eric Vance
    LISA (Virginia Tech's Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis)
    Director and Assistant Research Professor
    Blacksburg VA, United States

  • 2.  RE:Mentor/mentee matching email

    Posted 09-18-2013 12:52
    This is a good thread to post information for next year's mentors and mentees too.  Team, Below is the email we sent to prospective mentors or mentees who showed interest, but were too late for the 2013 pilot.  Marlene or Mark, please use the lingo below for information on the CSP conference.  We could add some of this lingo to the microsite so people are aware of next steps.


    Thank you for your interest in the Committee on Applied Statistics Statisticians (CAS) Partnership ASA Mentorship Program. We are in our first year and have started a pilot mentorship program for 2013. Mentors and Mentees were self-selected and provided a resume/CV as well as responded to a brief survey before being matched with another Mentor or Mentee in July of this year.

    Our goal in the first year was to initiate the program, match Mentors and Mentees, monitor their progress, and make recommendations for 2014. We then plan to initiate a larger pilot in 2014 based on the feedback we receive from this year's program.  

    Did you miss the deadline for 2013? Our committee is sorry that the program has started already. For those that missed the 2013 deadline, there will be two mentoring opportunities in 2014 including:

    1) A program for attendees of the Conference on Statistical Practice (CSP) to be held February 20-22, 2014 in Tampa, Florida and
    2) An anticipated second pilot mentorship program for all ASA applied statisticians. 

    Everyone who registers for the Conference on Statistical Practice (CSP) will be invited to participate in a mentorship program for CSP attendees. You will be asked to sign up for the program as either a Mentor or Mentee, to answer what are your goals for participating in the CSP mentoring program, and to fill out a text box for your primary area of interest (for Mentees) or expertise (for Mentors). Mentors and Mentees will be matched prior to CSP, will be emailed an introductory guide to mentoring, and will be encouraged to meet during CSP to begin the mentoring relationship.

    Not attending the CSP?  If you are interested in the second pilot program, please submit your resume/CV early by:

    1) Emailing applied.statisticians@gmail.com

    2) In the subject line please write "CAS Mentorship 2014 2nd pilot"

    3) Include your name, contact information, whether you would like to participate as a Mentor or Mentee, attach a copy of your resume or CV in either Word or pdf format, and state in a couple sentences what you are hoping to gain from the program (why you are interested in being a Mentor or Mentee).

    Matching of mentors to mentees for the second pilot program will likely occur in June or July of next year, although we may initiate new programs throughout the year when/if appropriate. Since we are still in the pilot phase, our process is often changing and we appreciate your patience and interest in the program. For more information, please visit the CAS website which is in the members' only section of the ASA website:http://community.amstat.org/CAS/mentoring1   

    Thank you again for your interest in the program.


    Q: What is the Committee on Applied Statistics Statisticians (CAS) Partnership ASA Mentorship Program?

    A: it is a pilot program funded by the ASA Member Initiative Program.  We are currently in our first year of funding and have matched over 30 mentors and mentees together, provided program guidelines, and will continue to track their progress throughout the year.

    Q: How do I find a Mentor or Mentee?

    A: There are several programs currently available within the ASA.  The CAS web site provides links to all known active programs within the ASA along with information on how to become active in the CAS program.

    Q: I'd like to request a specific type of Mentor or Mentee, how do I do that?

    A: At the present moment, the number of individuals we are connecting is small.  We match Mentors to Mentees based on their area of interest, the topics they wish to address, and when possible other specific criteria.  It is, however, less likely that very specific requests will be met (e.g. "I'd like to work with a Sampling Statistician in the Washington, DC area who works in the Government").  We believe that our matching process ensures that many of the needs of the participants are met, but we unfortunately do not have a large enough group to match for all specific requests. 

    Q: I'd like to find a mentor now.  Could you please recommend someone ASAP, I'd be willing to pay for their services.

    A: Our program is voluntary and requires no payment of services.  We also do not have the capacity to match Mentors to Mentees year round.  To ensure a high quality of applicants, we collect resumes throughout the year and match Mentors to Mentees based on a pre-determined schedule.  If you are looking for someone immediately, or are interested in paying someone for their time, we recommend considering either a career coach or reaching out to possible mentors individually. 





    Erin Tanenbaum


  • 3.  RE:Mentor/mentee matching email

    Posted 09-18-2013 14:38

    I added the welcome packet to the microsite. CAS Microsite, but you should look it over.  I would think we would want the welcome packet first before Books and Erin's page onto with Eric's welcome letter in the packet.  I haven't figured out how to rearrange elements and Kalil is out.  Let me know what you think.

    Mark Otto
    Fish and Wildlife Service

  • 4.  RE:Mentor/mentee matching email

    Posted 09-18-2013 17:15
    I think the mentoring packet should be linked on the main mentoring page, not just under the Mentoring tab as a resource. I also clicked on a few things on the microsite and found a few things way out of date, including an advertisement for the CAS mixer at the 2012 JSM.

    Eric Vance
    LISA (Virginia Tech's Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis)
    Director and Assistant Research Professor
    Blacksburg VA, United States