Challenges and Opportunities in Remote Statistical Consulting

When:  Jul 30, 2012 from 10:30 to 12:00 (PT)

Invited Session

Challenges and Opportunities in Remote Statistical Consulting
July 30, 10:30 a.m., CC-Room 29D
Speakers: Christy Chuang-Stein, Mary Batcher, Jim Rutherford, and George Milliken

The statistical discipline is growing in many ways, not the least of which is geographically. As our world becomes more global and virtual, we often consult with clients geographically removed from us, sometimes with people we have never met face-to-face. This type of relationship introduces challenges beyond those of traditional consulting, yet it allows the statistical consultant to grow our discipline in ways not previously possible. We will explore these challenges and propose solutions based on the experiences of senior statistical consultants. They will share their stories and recommendations from various industries and diverse consulting relationships, covering such topics as the changing world of work that makes remote statistical consulting possible and necessary; the soft side of consulting, which is more difficult to do successfully when remote; tools and techniques for communication and collaboration; processes and procedures for new aspects of consulting, such as travel; and new aspects of traditional consulting, such as contracts. Any statistician who consults, or is thinking about consulting, with distant clients will benefit from the experiences shared in this session.


CC-Room 29D


Chuck Kincaid