SSPA Blog: There is an App for SAS

By Vikash Jain posted 02-07-2011 05:34


Last year, for first time, SAS Global Forum called for papers for a Social Media section. One of the presenters contacted our local area SAS user group (HASUG) concerning more ideas to incorporate in his iPhone app. His app combines social networking with tools to manage the logistics of reviewing papers and scheduling events for large conferences.


I was motivated to go online and search for any application that accesses the SAS system. To my surprise, I found one called BI Flash, which was developed by same author. The app works on the iPhone, iPad, and also on the Blackberry.


BI Flash is an application that allows you to view SAS data and run reports on a SAS server. The reports are then delivered to your smart phone. For more details, including a video that demonstrates how it works on smart phones, see the following links:

