Help me find a Biostatistics (Medical Statistics) book

By Valentin Radoi posted 06-06-2012 14:28

I had learned a lot of biostatistics in my past 3 years in which i have also worked in the domain.

I am an M.D. student at the moment and i am looking for a good book to explain everything (a big book if you understand what i mean). I will be learning alone from it, so it would be great if it would come with examples or anything helpful for learning alone.

What do you recommend?

On the same topic can you please recommend a book that explains (teaches) SPSS for use in medical statistics (analyzing clinical data mostly, both qualitative and quantitative).

P.S. I am not looking for the math behind everything, but i can understand it without any problems.

Thank you very much.

Valentin Radoi,
M.D. Student, Bucharest



02-06-2014 13:38

A good reference book that covers a lot of material is: Biostatistics A Methodology for the Health Sciences by Gerald Van Belle, LLoyd D. Fisher, Patrick J. Heagerty, Thomas Lumley.
It covers lots of material, from simple t-test and one way Anava, to some Principal Components Analysis and Survival Analysis.

07-06-2012 15:46

Hi, I am MD too and it was difficult for me to understand statistics, than my adviser told me about this book. For Biostatistics you might want to try "Fundamentals of Biostatistics" by Bernard Rosener. This book covers all major areas of biostatistics. Its pretty big but I consider it as a textbook.
Regarding SPSS, If you just want to understand how to perform various analysis (without statistical details), "A handbook of statistical analyses using SPSS" by Sabin Landau is a good book.