Ask Stats Consultant Kim Love Anything!

By Lara Harmon posted 05-30-2017 13:00

Ready for our June AMA (short for Ask Me Anything)--your chance to ask an expert anything?

This month, Kim Love, chair-elect of the ASA's Statistical Consulting section, will join us as our AMA guest. If you've got questions about the Statistical Consulting section or getting start as a consultant, this is your chance! Here's a little more about Love:

Dr. Kim Love is the owner and lead consultant at K. R. Love Quantitative Consulting and Collaboration. She has a BA in mathematics (2003) from the University of Virginia, and an MS (2004) and PhD (2007) in statistics from Virginia Tech. After 2007 she worked as a statistical consultant and collaborator in multiple professional roles, most recently as the associate director of the University of Georgia Statistical Consulting Center. During her five and a half years there, she provided statistical consultation and collaboration for roughly 180 clients per year, in addition to training statistics graduate students to become independent statistical consultants. She is also active in the American Statistical Association, in particular the Section on Statistical Consulting, where she currently serves as the Chair Elect.

Kim's academic areas of specialization include nursing and health sciences, as well as forestry, natural resources, and agricultural sciences. While she enjoys working with clients with varied backgrounds, she particularly enjoys working with those who feel they have a less-than-perfect relationship with statistics. One of her goals is to spread an appreciation of statistics across many fields of study, starting by making it understandable to those who interact with it!

When: June 20, 2017, 1-2 p.m. EST

Where: The Young Professionals discussion group

At 1 p.m., Love will make her introduction post. To ask a question, just respond to her post! (Questions will be moderated; remember to check our our Code of Conduct before submitting a question.)

Alternatively, submit your question ahead of time using our Contact Us form <>.

I'm looking forward to seeing questions from both our veteran AMA participants and newcomers in May! If you have any questions about the AMA, just shoot me an email.

- Lara
