Complements of Alan Zaslavsky, who posted this link to the listserv of the SRMS....

By Jana Asher posted 07-02-2009 22:31


Yes, they finally did it... the word of the day is noncensus!  A direct quote: "The Constitution requires a census but it doesn't require that it be good."

Colbert Report

I find this particularly amusing given my no good, lousy day at the Census Bureau (today), during which I learned that thanks to the edict of a certain Census Bureau higher up (who shall remain nameless but whose initials are T.A.) my access to the Administrative Records Group in the Data Integration Division has been indefinitely postponed.  Not just indefinitely postponed, but I no longer can even meet with people over there, or be in that area for longer than it takes to go get my husband on my way out the door!  This I need for a contract that ends on September 30th.

Anyone out there good friends with Thomas Mesenbourg?  Or for that matter, the infamous T.A.?  How am I supposed to do my research if I can't even talk with the folks in DID?  Calgon, take me away!

