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ASA Gives Back 2020 co-organized JSM Virtual Networking Session

ASA Gives Back co-organized JSM Virtual Networking Session 2020 with ASA CCD, where our pro-networkers @Robert Santos, @Emma Benn and @Karen Price gave tips to the participants on how to virtually network well, ace interviews and be your most effective selves at remote work! Emma candidly focused on her past and talked about how she navigated through difficulties early in her career and then found her perfect eco-system through social media. Rob was amazing in providing and often demonstrating numerous tips to keep in mind when interviewing virtually. Karen focused on virtual working and how to be effective in your role. All three speakers fielded questions from participants who asked them about the number of topics such as how to approach someone in a meeting, importance of taking some "me" time while focusing on work and who to follow on social media.

Huge thanks to our awesome speakers and 40+ volunteers who selflessly donated their time in listening and providing helpful suggestions for the participants to improve! We had a full house of 90+ participants, including someone all the way from New Zealand! The volunteers spent almost 45 minutes in 1-1 sessions with each participant providing them a listening ear, a safe space to practice pitching themselves and suggesting improvements.

The thank you notes speaks it all and makes all the work that @Donna LaLonde, @Claire Bowen and I have been doing for the past months worthwhile. Chairing this group has been such an amazing experience for me! #asagivesback #virtualnetworking 


