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Potential 2012 JSM session topics seeking speakers


Dear Members of the Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts (SSPA):

In preparing for the 2012 JSM session proposals, there are several topics that the organizers are still looking for speakers.  They are:  


Topic 1: The World of Statistical Analysis Professionals

The focus of this session is to promote the profession of statistical analysis.  The objectives of this session are to 1) identify areas where statistical analysis of data are performed, 2) examine the skill sets of the profession, 3) explore career path of the profession, and 4) discuss mentoring needs for the profession. 

Topic 2: Data Challenges and Solutions

The focus of this session is to share our experience in dealing with challenging data issues and finding solutions.  The objectives of this session are to 1) communicate the importance of data integrity, 2) share lessons learned, and 3) provide options for data solutions.

Topic 3: Successful Telecommuting Career for Statistical Analysis Professionals

The focus of this session is to share the pros and cons of telecommuting as a statistical analysis professional .  The objectives of this session are to discuss 1) how to effectively work from home, 2) how to effectively manage staff who work off site, and 3) the future of telecommuting.

Topic 4: Statistical Modeling and Analytics

The focus of this session is communication among statistical analysts and modelers to exchange their knowledge and experiences on how to build a road to such analytical professional life across all industries. The topics could be the most popular statistical models in a field or industry, or introduction on a new field on which statistical professionals have potential to learn and apply statistical analysis, as well as experiences on applying statistical analysis on a field.

Topic 5: Statistics Programming in Industries

We invite veterans in the pharmaceutics, financial, manufacture, consumer and retail industries to walk through how and what statistics programming is involved in these industries, especially, where it starts, what techniques are needed and what software is most used, how it is phased into the entire flow of the industry



Please contact me immediately if you are interested in speaking on these topics.  You will need to provide a tentative title and a brief description of your presentation under the topic of your choice along with your affiliation and email address.  The session organizer will then contact you with more details.


Please feel free to contact me if you have questions.  We look forward to your participation in SSPA programs and activities. 

Nancy Wang

2011 Program Chair Elect




