Young Investigator Award

The Young Investigator Award is an annual award. This award recognizes a promising "young investigator" for his/her promise as a statistics educator or in conducting statistics education research in the health sciences. Young investigator is defined as (i) a current graduate student, OR (ii) a recent graduate who has received his/her terminal degree no more than 7 years ago and who is in position with rank below Associate Professor and does not hold tenure (or equivalent classification). A nominee must be a current member of the Section on the Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences (TSHS) at the time of the nomination. Prior recipients of either this award or the Section’s Distinguished Achievement Award are ineligible. All nominations must be made with the consent of the nominee and self-nominations are allowed. The recipient receives a certificate and a $500 cash award, and is recognized at the section's annual Business Meeting and Mixer (held at JSM). Consideration for this award requires:

  • Nomination letter certifying that the nominee meets eligibility criteria (maximum 1 single-spaced page)
  • Copy of the nominee's curriculum vitae. Please use color to highlight components of the CV particularly associated with statistics education research.
  • PDF of a published paper with the nominee as first author. The topic must be related to the use of effective methods in statistics education or innovative statistics education research in the health sciences.

  • Nominee must be a current member of the Section on the Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences (TSHS)

Review criteria include:

  1. the strength and relevance of the submitted paper (organization and clarity, the use of creative methods to effectively teach statistical concepts/methods or the development of innovative statistics education research, and the potential utility to others in teaching statistics in the health sciences); and
  2. the promise of the nominee as a statistician-educator or as statistics education researcher.

 Deadline for nominations is May 1 of the award year. Nominations should be sent to

Past recipients:

Lucy D’Agostino McGowan, Wake Forest University.
Paper for review was “Design Principles for Data Analysis,” published in the Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (, . See our blog post about the 2023 award winners.

Amanda Ellis
Amanda Ellis, University of Kentucky. See Oct 2022 blog post.
Mine Dogucu of the University of California, Irvine.
Paper for review was: Web Scraping in the Statistics and Data Science Curriculum: Challenges and Opportunities, Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education, 29:sup1, S112-S122, DOI: 10.1080/10691898.2020.1787116). 
Stephanie Hicks of Johns Hopkins University
Paper for review was: A Guide to Teaching Data Science,The American Statistician 2018 V72 (4)
 2019 Schwab-McCoy_with_award.jpg Aimee Schwab-McCoy of Creighton University "Life on an Island: Using Peer Consulting in Applied Statistics Courses"

Kendra Schmid, University of Nebraska Medical Center: "Virtual Discussion for Real Understanding" (see Summer 2011 newsletter)
Eleanor Pullenayagum, McMaster University: "Teaching Bayesian Statistics in a Health Research Methodology Program" (see Summer 2008 newsletter)