Statistical Association
SPES Marquardt Memorial Industrial Speakers Program
Visit Evaluation Form
Click here for a version in MS Word format to be completed by the host.
Mail this form to:
Mary G. Leitnaker
334 Stokely Management Center
916 Volunteer Boulevard
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Knoxville, TN 37996-0532
Date of visit: ____________________________
Total cost of visit: _______________________
College or University Visited: _____________________________________________________
Department: __________________________________________________________________
Host Contact/Title: _____________________________________________________________
Host Contact E-mail: ___________________________________________________________
Industrial speaker and affiliation: __________________________________________________
The purpose of the Marquardt Memorial Industrial Speakers Program is to familiarize graduate students and advanced undergraduates with the role of statisticians in industry.
1. Did the speaker address the roles of statisticians in his/her industry? (If no, what was the subject of the talk?)
2. Was the presentation given at an appropriate level for the students? (If no, please explain.)
3. Considering the amount of effort required to coordinate the visit, was the visit worthwhile? (If no, please explain.)
4. Would you recommend that we ask this speaker to visit another school in the future? (Why or why not?)
5. If you could do one thing to improve the Marquardt Memorial Industrial Speakers Program, what would it be?
6. Was the SPES website helpful in answering your questions about the speakers program? What can we add to make it better?