The Marquardt Program
The Marquardt Industrial Speakers Program was instituted by ASA’s Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences (SPES) in 1998 to foster communications between industrial statisticians and academic statistics programs. The Speakers Program’s objective is to familiarize students with the role of statisticians in industry, an application area to which students often are not exposed.
Our LinkedIn Group
The ASA Section on Statistics in the Physical and Engineering Sciences (SPES) has developed a discussion group on LinkedIn, the networking site for professionals. To see or join the group, go to the SPES LinkedIn group.
If you are already on Linked-In, please join us! If you are not already on Linked-In, then take this as an invitation to join and connect with colleagues and friends, both within the discipline and beyond! Once you are in the SPES group, you will be welcome to post news, announcements, and discussion items of interest to the SPES community, and to participate in others’ discussions. You can control whether and how often you receive e-mail updates from the group, and can be as active or as passive a participant as you choose.
Our ASA Community
SPES has a dedicated community page at the ASA website, where you can participate in discussions and blogs. The link to this community page is here.
Our Wiki
In addition to the above outlets, SPES also maintains an Executive Board Wiki webpage with additional information about the Section. You can find this Wiki website here.