The annual Fall Technical Conference is sponsored by the Chemical and Process Industries Division and the Statistics Division of the American Society for Quality Control and by the Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences of the American Statistical Association. In addition to a full program of talks typically based on research reported in the Journal of Quality Technology and Technometrics, the meeting offers pre-conference short courses, council meetings for the sponsoring bodies, and fun non-technical outings.
The 2019 63rd Fall Technical Conference is going to be held on September 25-27, in Gaithersburg, MD.
For detailed information about current and past Fall Technical Conference events, visit the dedicated website at
As of 2019, the following is a listing of past Fall Technical Conferences locations and dates:
2018: October 4-5, West Palm Beach, Florida
2017: October 4-7, Philadelphia, PA
2016: October 6-7, Minneapolis, MN
2015: October 8-9, Houston, TX
2014: October 2-3, Richmond, VA
2013: October 17-18, San Antonio, TX
2012: October 4-5, St. Louis, MO
2011: October 13-14, Kansas City, MO
2010: October 7-8, Birmingham, AL
2009: October 8-9, Indianapolis, IN
2008: October 9-10, Phoenix, AZ
2007: October 11-12, Jacksonville, FL
2006: October 12-13, Columbus, OH
2005: October 20-21, St. Louis, MO
2004: October 14-15, Roanoke, VA
2003: October 16-17, El Paso, TX
2002: October 17-18, Valley Forge, PA
2000: October 12-13, Minneapolis, MN
1999: October 13-15, Houston, TX
1998: October 23-24, Corning, NY
1997: October 16-17, Baltimore, MD