IDAD 2018
The Symposium will be held on April 19-20, 2018. This event will be sponsored by the Kansas-Western Missouri Chapter of the American Statistical Association, Cerner Corporation, and the Department of Biostatistics at the University of Kansas Medical Center,
Symposium Keynote Address
A Machine Learning Approach for Improving the Accuracy of Medical Diagnoses
Presented by Daniel Jeske, Ph.D.
Professor of Statistics, past chair of Department of Statistics - University of California, Riverside, Fellow of the ASA, Editor-in-chief - The American Statistician
Symposium Invited Presentations
Public Health Informatics: Seeing People in the Number
Presenter: Lou Saadi, PhD.
KDHE, Kansas Center for Health and Environmental Statistics.
Estimating Benefits of Medical or Behavioral Treatments in Severaly Ill Patients
Presenter: Franciso Diaz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Biostatistics, University of Kansas Medical Center
Symposium Short Course
Data Visualization for Survey Research: From Data Collection, through Budgets and Production, to Reports and Presentations
Friday April 20th 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Presented by:
Edward Mulrow, Ph.D., Vice President of Statistics and Methodology - NORC at the University of Chicago, .Fellow of the ASA, Accredited Professional Statistican
Nola du Toit, M.S., Research Methodologist - NORC at the University of Chicago