The organization shall be known as the KANSAS-WESTERN MISSOURI Chapter of the American Statistical Association.
ARTICLE II - Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be to foster in the broadest manner statistics and its applications, and to promote unity and effectiveness of effort among all groups in the Kansas and Western Missouri area having an interest in or being concerned with statistical problems.
ARTICLE III - Membership
The membership of this organization shall consist of two classes:
- Full Members: Persons holding membership in the American Statistical Association or an associated or affiliated society.
- Associate Members: Persons interested in Statistics in general or in the organization in particular, who are not also members of the American Statistical Association or an associated or affiliated society.
Any member (full or associate) who has paid the chapter membership fee for the current year will be considered in good standing.
ARTICLE IV - Officers
The officers of the organization, who shall be full members in good standing, shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The officers shall be duly elected during the spring meeting except that the Executive Committee shall fill any vacancy which may occur between elections in any office. Neither the president nor the vice-president may succeed himself in office.
The nominating committee shall present two candidates for each office prior to the spring meeting for the election of officers. Furthermore, it shall be the purpose of the nominating committee to so choose nominees that the officers can be distributed reasonably evenly among the areas represented in this chapter of the American Statistical Association.
ARTICLE V - Executive Committee
The executive committee shall consist of the officers mentioned in Article IV, the immediate pas president, and the Chairman of each of the standing committees. Meetings of the executive committee shall be held whenever called by the president of when requested by a majority of the committee members.
ARTICLE VI - Committees
The committees of the organization shall consist of the two standing committees mentioned below and of such special committees as may be appointed annually by the president and shall serve no more than two years in succession. The two standing committees shall be a Membership-Nominating Committee and Technical Committee. The executive committee shall serve as a program committee. The members of the Membership-Nominating Committee will be appointed to represent as wide a geographical area as possible.
ARTICLE VII - Meetings
There shall be four or more regular meetings including a spring meeting during which election of officers shall be held. Only members in good standing shall be allowed to vote.
ARTICLE VIII - National Constitution
Any and all provisions of the Constitution of the American Statistical Association shall be considered included herein for use where applicable and necessary.
ARTICLE IX - Amendments
This constitution may be amended by an affirmative 2/3 (two-thirds) vote of the chapter members responding to mail ballot, provided notices of the proposed amendment shall have been sent to each member in good standing at least two weeks before the date of a meeting in which the proposed amendment is discussed; or by action of the Board of Directors of ASA.
The executive committee shall have the responsibility of drawing up the schedule of membership dues which shall be subject to approval by a majority of members in good standing responding to mail ballot.
Adopted: December 7, 1962