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  • 1.  ICC in pps cluster sampling

    Posted 11-26-2017 15:21

    Dear colleagues,

    I would like to know if there is any article or book that presents the calculation of itnracluster correlation in two-stage stratified cluster sampling (i.e. a stratified sample of clusters with pps and then a fixed size simple random sample of cluster members), in a clear manner with some examples . Is the formula ICC=(variance between)/(variance between + variance within) still valid or (since the sample is pps and nor srs) something else must be done?

    Yiannis C. Bassiakos

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  • 2.  RE: ICC in pps cluster sampling

    Posted 11-27-2017 17:28
    Yiannis -

    You said you want "...a stratified sample of clusters with pps and then a fixed size simple random sample of cluster members."  Do you really mean you want a two-stage sample, where the first stage is pps (which assumes a certain variance structure) and the second stage is a simple random sample - which is what actually applies to members within each selected cluster?  (This would mean you are not actually using stratification, unless you are doing that first and the two-stage sampling applies to each stratum.)  If so, then perhaps section 4.3, pages 133-144 of Särndal, CE, Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992), Model Assisted Survey Sampling, Springer-Verlang might be helpful.  Also, Chapter 11 in Cochran, W.G(1977), Sampling Techniques, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons may be useful for you.  -   Sorry if I misunderstood, and/or you are already familiar with all of that.  Perhaps someone else could point out something more applicable. 

    Cheers - Jim

    James Knaub
    Lead Mathematical Statistician

  • 3.  RE: ICC in pps cluster sampling

    Posted 11-29-2017 04:27
    ​Did you receive the e-mail I sent to you with a reply to your question?

    Ayala Cohen
    Israel Inst of Technology