If randomization was used to create the groups of analytic units for comparison of outcome then consider the following:
Guanghan F. Liu∗,†, Kaifeng Lu, Robin Mogg, Madhuja Mallick and Devan V. Mehrotra: Should baseline be a covariate or dependent variable in analyses of
change from baseline in clinical trials? Statist. Med. 2009; 28:2509–2530
Brent Blumenstein
Original Message:
Sent: 01-28-2022 09:09
From: Brandy Sinco
Subject: Difference Score as Outcome, Baseline as One of Several Covariates
Dear Colleagues:
Does anyone have any favorite articles that focus on the methodology of "change score from baseline" as outcome with baseline value as one covariate, along with demographics and others?
Brandy Sinco, BS, MA, MS
Statistician Senior
Michigan Medicine