Listen now for a conversation with Kerrie Mengersen ( about the application of remote sensing to studies of agriculture, poverty, and treatments for Parkinson's disease AND for the call for entries in the contest.
Challenge: Explain Bayes to a non-technical audience
Entries: A story headline and the lede (or lead) sentence for such a story. The headline will be 6 words or less and the lead is a sentence of less than 30 words. If someone is grazing a news story, then they can get what they need from the headline and the lede sentence if they aren't going to finish reading the story. The reflects everything you need to know, the nuts and bolts, the very basics of the story.
Submitting your entry: Go to the Stats+Stories contest
entry pageDeadline for Entries: 06 October 2018. Winners to be announced a few weeks later.
Judges: A Bayesian statistician and a journalist
Prize: The adoration of your friend AND a year subscription to the International Society for Bayesian Analysis. In addition, you'll have a chance to chat with the judges and the Stats+Stories team on a future episode of Stats+Stories.
Enter now and encourage your friends, colleagues, students, teachers to do the same!
John Bailer, for the Stats+Stories team