My thanks to Alan Feiveson for this post, as well as his further reply to me offline.
After searching a bit further, I found that Significance magazine, April 2018, p.41, had an interesting article about this great donation of books from ASA and others to the Library of Alexandria, to help cure "stataphobia": you to everyone at ASA and elsewhere who contributed to that donation.
Michael Hanna
Mercury Medical Research & Writing
Original Message:
Sent: 11-14-2021 11:22
From: Alan Feiveson
Subject: donate statistics books
Hello - About 4 years ago ASA had a drive to send donated stat books to a library in Alexandria, Egypt. Now, I wonder whether there is still a process (either through ASA or elsewhere) for donating stat books that we no longer use. Does anyone know?
Al Feiveson
Alan Feiveson