First, I suggest you post this to the Statalist server (
as you are much more likely to get responses there
second, there are no official Stata commands for this but there are a
number, I understand, of user-written commands for this; e.g., I have
used "vmatch" which is available at the SSC site (type "help ssc" for
more information)
Original Message------
Hello all,
I have 1510 observations where there are 195 cases and 1315 controls. I want to create a randomized data set where cases and controls are matched on age and Gender. I want to keep all the IAT as they are less in number. I would like to match cases and controls in 1:4 ratio. I have variables such as Id, Group (where 1=Case and 2=control), Sex(1=F and 2=M), age, and some other outcome variables which we want to compare between case and Control group after the data set is randomized. I have STATA 14 version. What would be the best way to do this? Any insight is highly appreciated.
Priyanka Acharya
Methodist Health System