2024 Recipients

2024 David P. Byar Early Career Award Recipients

The David P. Byar Early Career Award is given annually to a new researcher in the Biometrics Section who presents an original manuscript at the Joint Statistical Meetings. The award commemorates David Byar, a renowned biostatistician who made significant contributions to the development and application of statistical methods during his career at the National Cancer Institute. In addition, we give out paper awards to deserving recipients.

We are pleased to announce the following 2024 recipients:

David P. Byar Early Career Award

Hanwen Ye, PhD Candidate of Statistics at the University of California, Irvine for the paper entitled “Stage-Aware Learning for Dynamic Treatments”

Paper Awards

Heejun Shin, PhD Candidate of Statistics at the University of Florida for the paper entitled “Treatment effect heterogeneity and importance measures for multivariate continuous treatments using targeted smoothing”

Srikar Katta, PhD Candidate of Computer Science at Duke University for the paper entitled “Interpretable Causal Inference for Analyzing Wearable Device, Sensor, and Other Distributional Data”

Zhihao Wu, PhD Candidate of Statistics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong for the paper entitled “Longitudinal Mixed Membership Image-on-Scalar Model”

Di Wang, PhD Candidate of Biostatistics at the University of Michigan for the paper entitled “Incorporating External Risk Information with the Cox Model under Population Heterogeneity: Applications to Trans-Ancestry Polygenic Hazard Scores”

The ASA Biometrics Section congratulates the award winners and committee members for their hard work.