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ASA/MAA Joint Committee on Undergraduate Statistics

Data Science Education

The Joint Committee on Undergraduate Statistics and Data Science Education is charged with stimulating effective change in the teaching of undergraduate statistics and data science, especially at institutions where the department of mathematics bears primary responsibility for the teaching of courses in these disciplines.

The Committee is composed of 6 members, three members from the American Statistical Association (ASA) and three members from the Mathematical Association of America (MAA). Each year, each organization will appoint/reappoint one member from their organization for a 3-year term. Members can serve for a maximum of two consecutive 3-year terms. The Chair is a member of the Committee and serves as chair for two years. The Chair is alternately appointed by the ASA and MAA. The committee will coordinate with the MAA through non-voting liaisons appointed by the MAA Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics (CUPM) and the Special Interest Group of the MAA on Statistics Education (SIGMAA Stat Ed). The committee will coordinate with the ASA through non-voting liaisons appointed by the ASA Education Council and the ASA Section on Statistics and Data Science Education.

Qualifications for Teaching an Introductory Statistics Course
In the joint statement, Qualifications for Teaching an Introductory Statistics Course, the ASA and MAA encourage effective teaching in undergraduate statistical education and offer a series of qualifications and resources that will assist non statistics departments at universities and colleges with hiring qualified candidates or training existing instructors to acquire the necessary skill set.



Other Resources

    • The Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education (CAUSE) is a national organization whose mission is to support and advance undergraduate statistics education in four target areas: resources, professional development, outreach, and research.  Their website includes links to online presentations of interest to those teaching introductory courses.