Biostatistician Job Opening at MIHS - Req # 13685
Use the Job Search to apply online at http://www.mihs.org/careers-and-volunteers/job-openings.
Statistics Presentation by AZ ASA Officers at Desert Vista High School in Tempe, AZ

Dr Gil Mendez discussing careers in Statistics with an AP Stats class

9/7/2012 - Job Announcement
Mayo Clinic Job Openings - Statistician Positions
The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is currently looking to fill 2 Statistician II positions in the Department of Health Sciences Research. We are interested in hiring Master’s degree trained statisticians with at least 3 years of work experience. Please see the attached posters for additional information:
8/15/2012 - Job Announcement
Open Positions - Mathematics, University of California, Davis
Listed below please find the links to the announcements of our open positions this year. We plan to fill one tenure or tenure track position and one or more Arthur J. Krener Assistant Professor openings in the Department of Mathematics, University of California, Davis.
6/28/2012 - Job Announcement
Teaching Opportunity at Glendale Community College
Introduction to Statistics in the Psychology Department
The Monday/Wednesday night section is in need of an instructor. The course consists of a 75 minute lecture which is followed by a 50 minute data analysis lab using SPSS. Although the course is offered through the Psychology Department, students in pre-nursing and other allied health programs also take the course. Individuals who are interested can contact Psychology Department chair, Kam Majer, PhD (kam.majer@gcmail.maricopa.edu).
Educator Openings at Arizona State University Preparatory Academy
ASU Preparatory Academy is looking for a counselor, a 3rd grade teacher, a 5/6 math teacher, and a Spanish teacher for the 2012-13 school year. Interested applicants please refer to the website: http://www.asuprep.asu.edu/careers.
Open Positions at Bank of America
Below are a list of open positions at Bank of America. If you are interested, please visit the link http://careers.bankofamerica.com/careershome.aspx and use advanced search with the Job ID.
Job Title - Job ID
Quantitative Operations Manager - 1200028563
Mkt Information Consultant CP - 1200029493
Quantative Operations Associate - 1200022869
Data Process Consultant - 1200028228
Quantitative Operations Assoc - 1200017409
Risk Management Analyst III - 1200028331
Market Information Consultant - 1200027956
Statistical Test Design Engineer - 1200027260
Service Delivery Manager Data Management - 1200020027
Data Management Analyst - 1200021134
Quantitative Operations Mgr - 1200020261
April 26, 2012 - Congratulations to the winners from the Statistical Posters Presentations!
1st Place: Augustus Woodrow-Tomizuka, Sonoran Academy
2nd Place: Zuena Mushtaq, Southwest Center for Education and the Natural Environment
3rd Place: Suhitha Veeravelli, Southwest Center for Education and the Natural Environment