Mission Statement


Sound statistical methods have served a critical role throughout the history of mental health research, and will continue to serve a critical role in the future. To wit, the standard diagnostic criteria document for mental disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association, is named the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), highlighting the critical role of statistical methods in mental health research. Therefore, there is a need for an intellectual forum for statisticians who work in mental health research to communicate and facilitate further advancements for the field.
The Mental Health Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association (ASA) aims to fulfill the need for this forum.

The Mental Health Statistics Section aims to achieve the following goals:

1. To provide a forum for the communications among statisticians who work in mental health research, and communication between statisticians and mental health researchers to facilitate the use of sound statistical methodologies in mental health research;

2. To facilitate the development and application of statistical methodologies for mental health research; and

3. To promote career opportunities for statisticians in mental health research.

To achieve these goals, the Section will host professional activities both within the ASA, and in conjunction with entities involved in mental health research, including professional associations, funding agencies, service organizations, and foundations.