Section on Bayesian Statistical Science Officers

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Guindani, Michele
Chair (2024 - 2024)
Mackey, Lester
Chair-Elect (2024 - 2024)
van Dyk, David
Past-Chair (2024 - 2024)
Sarkar, Abhra
Secretary / Treasurer (2023 - 2024)
Fosdick, Bailey
Program Chair (2024 - 2024)
Bhadra, Anindya
Program Chair-Elect (2024 - 2024)
Peterson, Christine
Publications Officer (2024 - 2026)
Lum, Kristian
Bayesian Section Representative (2023 - 2025)
Shi, Amy
Bayesian Section Representative (2022 - 2024)
Peterson, Rick
Staff Liaison (2010 - 2030)