Nominations and Elections of COCGB Officers

Elected Positions

Chair-Elect: A Chair-Elect is elected each year for a one-year term beginning January 1 following election. All members of the Council of Chapters are eligible to vote for Chair-Elect. The Chair-Elect succeeds to the positions of Chair and Past Chair in subsequent years. After these three years in office, the Past Chair is not eligible for immediate election as Chair-Elect.

Vice Chairs: There are six District Vice Chairs, one from each District, who are elected for three-year terms. Two Vice Chairs are elected each year. Vice Chairs are not eligible for immediate re-election to the same position. All Chapter Representatives in a District are eligible to vote for the District's Vice Chair.

Board Representatives: Three regional Board Representatives are elected for three-year terms, with one representative elected each year. All full members of ASA are eligible to vote for Board Representatives. Board Representatives are not eligible for immediate re-election to the same position.

All terms of office end,  and new terms begin January 1. However, each office holder is expected to serve until a successor takes office.

The three-year term of a Board Representative from a given region coincides with the three-year terms of the Vice Chairs from the two Districts in that region. The terms of office are synchronized so the Vice Chairs can become candidates for Board Representative.

Appointed Positions and Positions by Succession

The Secretary/Treasurer and the Communications Officer are appointed by the Chair-Elect to serve during the Chair-Elect's term as Chair. The designation should be made at least two months prior to January 1 when the Secretary/Treasurer and Communications Officer take office.

The positions of Chair and Past Chair are filled by succession: a member elected as Chair-Elect is expected to serve for three years, as Chair-Elect, Chair, and Past Chair.

Nomination Procedure

The Council's Committee on Nominations consists of six members of the Council, one from each District, with an officer of the Council serving as Chair. Each year, the Chair-Elect of the Council (near the beginning of their term as Chair) appoints three members to serve two-year terms, and names an officer of the Council to serve as Chair of the Committee for that year.

At least two candidates must be submitted for each position. More than two candidates may appear on the ballot. Only Presidents, Past Presidents, Secretaries, and Treasurers of Association Chapters as well as members of the Council of Chapters shall be eligible for appointment to the Committee on Nominations, and a nominee must be a full member of the ASA.

Members of the Committee on Nominations are not eligible for nomination. The Chair-Elect should consider this restriction when appointing members of the Committee.

The elections take place in time for the results to be announced at the JSM, and terms of office start the following January 1.

The Council's Committee on Nominations must submit the following nominations:

Chair-Elect: This position is open to any full member of ASA. Election involves serving three one-year terms: one year as Chair-Elect, the second year as Chair, and the third year as Past Chair.

Vice Chairs: Each year, two Vice Chairs are elected to three-year terms. Two Districts within one region are designated each year to elect new Vice Chairs. At least two candidates must be submitted from each District. Candidates must reside or have their membership address within the District at the time of nomination.

ASA Board Representative: Each year, one Board Representative is elected from the same region that elects its two District Vice Chairs, to serve a three-year term. Candidates must reside or have their membership address within the region at the time of nomination. The successive Board Representatives from a region should be alternated between the two Districts in the region. For example, if the current Board Representative from Region 2 is from District 3, all nominees to replace that Representative should be from District 4. Board Representatives are expected to represent all ASA members in their regions and not be limited to Council of Chapters interests.


If a vacancy occurs in the position of Chair, the position is filled by the Chair-Elect for the remainder of the term, followed by the Chair-Elect's usual term as Chair. If the Past Chair position becomes vacant, it remains vacant for the remainder of the term. In any other case of the vacancy of the Chair or Chair-elect, the Governing Board shall fill the vacancy by choosing one of the elected officers of the Council. Vacancies in Board Representatives or in Vice Chairs are filled by appointment by the Governing Board, with approval of the Council Representatives from the region or District of the vacancy. Such appointees must be a member of ASA and belong to at least one chapter from the region or district where the vacancy occurred.

Timetable for Elections and Nominations



Members and Chair of the Committee on Nominations are appointed by the Chair-Elect of the COCGB

 Previous Committee Chair provides any relevant notes or files



Suggestions for nominees are requested at the COC Business Meeting COCGB meeting





ASA office provides the Committee with a list of current Chapter officers, a list of participants in recent Council workshops and business meetings, and other useful lists of possible candidates

 Committee arrives at a rank-ordered list of potential candidates

 The Chair of the Committee contacts potential candidates in rank order until each slate of candidates is completed



The completed slate is reported to the ASA Executive Director and to the Chair of the COC

Chair-Elect completes appointments for next year’s term



Election of COCGB officers is included in the ASA General Election



Election results are announced