Responsibilities of Committees


See "Procedures" section for details on carrying out Committee charges.

Committees consist of the Executive Committee, Standing Committees as provided in the Charter, and Standing or Current Committees as established by the Chair or the Governing Board. A Current Committee is established to satisfy a particular need, and it may not continue for more than five years without a review of its need by the Governing Board. Each Committee must have a charge, and must prepare an annual report for the Governing Board.

Members of Standing Committees, and Chairs of Current Committees, must be full members of ASA. The term of membership is three years, unless otherwise specified. Members may not serve more than six consecutive years without Governing Board approval.

Executive Committee
Committee on Nominations
Committee on Chapter Status
Charter Committee
Planning Committee

Executive Committee (required by the Charter)

Members: The Executive Committee consists of the Chair, the Chair-Elect, Past Chair, and Secretary/Treasurer, and a Board Representative (see rotation schedule).

Charge: The Executive Committee plans the meetings of the COCGB, and serves the COCGB in an advisory capacity.

NOTE: The Executive Committee is empowered to act for the Governing Board when action is required, a mail ballot is not feasible, and in the judgment of the Chair such action is necessary. Under such circumstances an affirmative vote of all but one of the members of the Executive Committee is required for any action. The Governing Board shall be notified of any such actions within seven days and may overrule such action by a majority vote.

Committee on Nominations (Standing Committee)

Members: The Committee on Nominations consists of six members representing a unique district.  Each year, the Chair appoints three members to serve a two-year term. Only Presidents, Past Presidents, Secretaries, and Treasurers of ASA Chapters as well as members of the Council of Chapters shall be eligible for appointment to the Committee on Nominations. Each Appointee must be a full member of ASA. The Chair-Elect of the COC Chairs the committee or appoints an officer of the COC to Chair the Committee.

Committee member who ceases to be a member of the COC after beginning a term on the Committee may complete the two-year term.

Charge: The Committee on Nominations compiles a slate of candidates for each annual election consistent with the charter and procedures of the COC. The slate is submitted to the COCGB.

NOTE: Members of the Committee on Nominations are not eligible for nomination by the Committee. The Committee shall send a copy of the responsibilities of office to all candidates. The Chair of the Council of Chapters and the Board Representative of the appropriate region will call newly elected Vice Chairs, welcoming them to the Council and reviewing responsibilities.

Committee on Chapter Status (Standing Committee)

Members: The Committee on Chapter Status consists of the six Vice Chairs of the COC, the Communications Officer, and a Board Representative. Meetings of the Committee are chaired by the Board Representative as determined in the rotation schedule.

Charge: The Committee reviews the status of the local Chapters of the association.

  • Determine the activity status of the Chapters, specifically if a Chapter is active or inactive.
  • Review in detail the status of inactive Chapters. Make recommendations to the COCGB concerning the revocation of the charter of a Chapter that appears to be truly inactive.
  • Review requests for formation of new Chapters. Make recommendations to the COCGB concerning the granting of a charter to a group requesting formation of a new Chapter.
  • Communicate to the COCGB other issues related to Chapter status.

Charter Committee (Standing Committee)

Members: Within three years after the adoption of the Charter or ratification of periodic revisions, the Chair must appoint a Charter Committee to review the Charter of the Council od Chapters. A Charter review must occur at least every five years.

Charge: If necessary, the Charter Committee must prepare a revision to be submitted to the COCGB. The revision must be submitted within five years after the adoption of the charter.

Planning Committee

Members: The Planning Committee is Chaired by the Chair-Elect of the Council. Other members are the Chair, the Past Chair, the Secretary/Treasurer, a Board Representative (see rotation schedule) and not more than one other member designated by the Committee's Chair.

Charge: Consider issues arising before the Council regarding new initiatives. (See section on New Initiatives)

  • Develop goals and plans for the following term (when the Chair-Elect becomes Chair)